Sr Cynthia's Vocation
Truly, God is the giver of each one’s vocation. He gradually makes it known to us in the daily activities of our lives. I am Sr. Cynthia Ifeyinwa Ngerem from the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. Right from my childhood, I had the burning desire to be a Rev. Sister even when I knew nothing about life. I had seen Rev. Sisters visiting my home, my parish, and some who occasionally visited my Block Rosary Center, where we say the Rosary daily learning about our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the church. I grew up doing missionary works without the knowledge of it because we visited the sick, the prisoners and assisted those who needed help. I also took care of the blind students in my school. I started nursing this desire from about the age of four (4); when in a conversation with my father, I said ‘’I will be a Rev. Sister when I grow up.” He was glad and with joy promised to spend even his last coin to see that I achieve it. But unfortunately, he died after a brief illness before I entered the convent.
As time went on, with the guardians of my parents and other loved ones, I developed the love to be a Missionary; to cooperate with God in the salvation of souls. So, after my studies in Nigeria in the year 2012, I met the Sisters of St. Peter Claver first in the month of January 2013 at the Cenacle program of the Precious Blood Devotion held at Olo, Enugu State of Nigeria, where one of the members of the Agonizing Consolers of Christ, introduced me to Rev. Sister Agnes Ehroma, who later invited me to the Claverianum convent at Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria for a visit. On the day when I visited, I made up my mind to join the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver because I felt peace within me immediately when I stepped into the convent, and my sight of the Crucifix in the chapel filled my heart with great joy that I felt I was at home. A warm welcome was given to me by the Sisters and I was given the Echo and a magazine to read, where I discovered the hidden nature of the works carried out by the Congregation.
Before this contact with the Sisters, in fact, I searched through the ‘’ambassador’’ for the list of the different Religious Congregations in the world, and I realize the absence of the name ‘’ Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver.” Why the absence? Why do I have to realize this Congregation” I asked myself, but intuitively, this is where God wants me to be, I concluded. Despite my shortcomings, a hidden missionary life I have always desired. These captivated me that I had to resign quickly from my work as a teacher, and on the 2nd of March 2013, I said goodbye to every member of my family and left for my new home, the convent of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver in Abuja.
During my formation, I felt more attracted to the Mother Foundress, Blessed Mary Theresa Ledochowska, for the fact that she never visited Africa but had consecrated all her life for the salvation of their souls, for Christ also shaded His Precious Blood for also for them. And also fought for their human dignity, with a strong conviction that the Africans are children of God too. Her words in the Conference to the Promoters June 1913, touches me so much, that I am glad to be one of her daughters:
“ A soul is worth more than the whole world,
A soul, one soul alone is infinite,
A soul is valuable as the blood of the Son of God,
A soul in a way is as valuable as God Himself.’’
After my postulancy and novitiate formation, I made my first vow on the 6th of January, 2017 at St. Luke’s Catholic church Kubwa-Abuja in Nigeria. I am so grateful to God for His love for me to be one of His Spouses in our Congregation, the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. His love brought me, His love kept me and His love will sustain me to the end.