Mission Procure
It is only thanks to the great generosity and sacrifices of our benefactors that we are able to allocate small grants to assist in spreading of the Gospel in word and deed.
We rely on their support, on their generosity and their prayers and we ask you to pray also for them!
When submitting a request for a grant, we we need the following information from you:
Original Documents - we will not process applications without original documents.
A project outline printed and stamped with the seal of your local Bishop or Provincial/General Superior. This should include details of co-funding and proposed costs.
A letter of approval from your Diocesan Bishop and/or Major Superior. If your application is for the building of a new Church or Convent, then you must have both the permission of your Provincial Superior and the local Bishop if you belong to a Religious Congregation.
All documents must be sent or delivered to us at:
Suore Missionarie di S. Pietro Claver
Via dell'Olmata 16,
00184 Roma
Please note: We will not make payment to personal bank accounts. Monies, if allocated, will be transferred through the Nuncio, Local Bishop or Congregation’s Provincial Bank Account.