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Sr Editta's Vocation

The Courage to Leave All For Christ













I was the fourth of my Sisters to enter the Convent. My primary school was run by Sisters  who taught us to love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and to be devoted to the Sacred Heart, to Our Lady and St. Joseph.

I loved catechism lessons. I remember finding a prayer in my catechism book: “Jesus show me what you want me to do and give me the courage”. I prayed that prayer every day.

When I was 17 years old I realised God was calling me to become a missionary and I received the courage to leave my parents, my sister, home and country – to leave everything for Jesus.

By the grace of God, I have been a Missionary Sister of St. Peter Claver for 47 years now.

May all be for Glory of God and for the Salvation of Souls.

Sr. Editta, sspc

Sr. Editta in the garden in Bellshill

When I think about my vocation, I look firstly to my mother. She had wanted to become a Carmelite Nun herself but unfortunately, she didn’t pass her school exams and they wouldn’t accept her.

There where 6 of us, 5 girls and 1 boy. My brother passed away when he was just 19 years old.

He died trying to save his friend who was drowning in the river. He managed to save his friend but was then caught in an undercurrent himself. My family was devastated and his death had a huge impact on us all.

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