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  • Writer's pictureSuore Missionarie di San Pietro Claver


Our dear novice Nancy Tirkey, today on the feast of the Manifestation of our Lord, "Epiphany" made her First Religious Profession in Nagpur, India. Surrounded by her parents, siblings, relatives and her sisters in religion and in Christ, consecrated her life to the service of God in our Religious Family, Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver.

Sr Nancy, four things Father at his homily recommended that you live out in your religious life. Those four things we wish to you because in them is the secret to how you will be able to attain a life of holiness in Christ. First, to love Jesus in FAITHFULNESS, second, to love Jesus in holiness, third, to love Jesus and be with Him in HUMILITY and lastly, to love Jesus and be grateful to Him.

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