'Thank You' from novices in India
Dear Sisters, I would like to express my gratitude for your grant of Euro 13,200.00 which was sent to us from your community in England....
'Thank You' from novices in India
A Brothers Love - Thank you from Kenya!
First Profession of Sr. Kinga
Blessing of the Habit
Mission in Sicilia
Passion for Mission
Ask a Missionary - Peru
Mothers for Mothers Day
Ask a Missionary #4
March Against Trafficking
Ask a Missionary #3
Children Helping Children
Ask a Missionary #2
Steadfast in Contemplation and Passionate in Mission
A Mission Focused Ordination Preparation
Our Christmas gift to you!
Can you Imagine?
Give a Gift of Hope this Christmas
Called to Be a Caring Presence
XVII General Chapter - Steadfast in Contemplation - Passionate in Mission